Thursday, April 27, 2006

Pakistan's Support

Pakistan's Foreign Secretary, Riaz Khan told the Bush administration today they will not support the U.S. force on Iran to cease their nuclear programs. "We are against any resort to force," Khan stated in an article from the Associated Press.
It looks as though the Bush administration is going is on its own campaign to find countries to either vote against the programs within United Nations or make a position against Iran at the moment. The question is, 'how will this affect us in the near future?' If our current administration does not rally up enough support, what will they do or what do they "already" have planned? Post by Sandra Porter

Iran's "smoking gun"?

In an article in the Los Angeles Times today, the International Atomic Energy Agency said that there has been no "smoking gun", but a series of reports have revealed activities such as plutonium and drawings showing how to mold weapons-grade uranium metal into the shape of a warhead. The Los Angeles Times said, Iranian negotiator Ali Larijani said that if the Security Council imposed sanctions, Iran would stop cooperating with the IAEA and conceal its nuclear activities. POSTED BY ERIN MILLER

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Iran threatens to strike US interests if attacked

Reuters that the United States has officially been threatened by our friends in Tehran as Iran said it will "hit U.S. interests worldwide" if the United States attacks.

"The Americans should know that if they assault Iran their interests will be harmed anywhere in the world that is possible," Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said today.

It is unlikely that Iran has the range to issue an attack on U.S. soil, but as they hinted, we have interests worldwide, including our support for Israel which Iran has said, should be destroyed.

-Posted by Jeffery Patch

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Israel Spies on Iran

Russia launched a satellite on behalf of Israel for spying on Iran's nuclear program. Due to the current political climate between Israel and Iran, they've taken precaution to gather information on Iran, focusing not only on Iran's nuclear program, but also their long range-missiles, according to a report by an Associated Press reporter. Russia's ties with Iran seems to have no effect on their current position with Israel and the Unite Nations. Israel still views Iran as a threat and feels the launching of Eros B is necessary for their safety. Posted by Sandra Porter

Iran to hide nuclear program

Iran is the world's fourth largest crude producer in the world, according to the Iran Daily News. The United States has not ruled out any military action at this time. Iran says if military action occurs they will close the program, which would not resolve the nuclear issue. Meanwhile, China insists on solving this problem through negotiations. POSTED BY Erin Miller

Friday, April 21, 2006

Russia Wont Budge

Despite the U.S. urging other countries to create sanctions on Iran, Russia has no current plans to stop the selling of missiles according to a report from the Associated Press (AP). These same missiles could be used with what is suspected of Iran by the U.S., which is their use of nuclear power to create weapons of enormous destruction. Russia sees no reason at this time to cease the sells to Iran despite their current activities. Posted by Sandra Porter

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Pressure on Iran

Although uranium enrichment technology can be used for nuclear energy, its most powerful use is that of an atomic bomb. The U.S. and many other super-countries around the globe differ in Iran's motives for using this type of technology. Today, global coalitions have been formed by U.N. Security Council and various world diplomats to set an urgency to pressure Iran to cease its program. Posted by Sandra Porter

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Isreal could be pulling the trigger.

Speculations of a nuclear war with Iran have the White House--and the rest of the world in a frenzy. According to the information clearing house, in 1981 Isreal bombed Iraq's Osirak nuclear reactor just before the fuel was loaded into it preventing a nuclear reactor. Iran has plans to "wipe out Isreal" so it may be evident that Isreal is planning to drop a bomb on Iran. POSTED BY: Erin Miller

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

oil prices increase

Expensive energy is already being felt across the nation. Yesterday, I got my gas for $3.10! These prices are the highest ranked throughout history. The goverment is manipulating us yet again...Bush says we will be going into nuclear war with Iran soon. Therefore, the oil prices must raise because this will be an expensive one. POSTED BY: Erin Miller

Sunday, April 16, 2006

An International Meeting

Leaders from the United States, the European Union, Russia and China will meet to discuss various sanctions on Iran regarding their Tehran nuclear programs this Tuesday in Moscow. These sanctions include freezes on assets and visa restriction, but exclude oil and gas resources. Although, Russia and China have close ties with Iran, they still plan to meet with the U.S. Iran still stands behind their programs, which they claim are for producing electricity via nuclear science. Posted by Sandra Porter

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Iran war: Fact or Fiction?

Plans of George W. Bush attacking Iran with nuclear weapons is buzzing around the White House. Newspapers around the nation have covered the possiblity of a nuclear war with Iran. Officials say that Bush is likely to deny any of these allegations. According to, "Graham Fuller, a former CIA officer and Middle East specialist at the RAND Corporation, echoed this view. He told the Forward that the recent spate of articles 'shows the fine hand of U.S. (maybe U.K. too) disinformation and psychological warfare against Iran ...(that) may now be intensified, perhaps out of frustration that the 'real thing' is not, in fact, on the table any more.'" Quite possibly these could just be mind games with Iran instead of going to nuclear war...POSTED BY: Erin Miller

Monday, April 10, 2006

Bush Denies the 'Wild Speculations'

At an address at John Hopkins University on Monday, President Bush called all claims that his administration is planning nuclear attacks on Iran, "wild speculations."
"We do not want the Iranians to have a nuclear weapon, the capacity to a make nuclear weapons, or the knowledge about how to make a nuclear weapon," Bush stated of his goals for the prevention of the Iranian nuclear weapons program. Posted by Sandra Porter

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Iran and Uranium Enrichment

Iran says they are conducting a small amount of enrichment for research purposes. According to CBS News, it would take a large-scale of enrichment to fuel a nuclear reactor. Government supports nuclear programs, and it is a source of national pride in Iran. POSTED BY: Erin Miller

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Iran threat

Bush has continued to phrase Iran as a nuclear threat, Iran has continued this past week as well as the previous week, testing missiles. They are getting there, closer and closer, there intelligence grows stronger and enables them to build stronger weapons, video footage was release this morning of Iran firing missiles into the sky as a test. Posted by Facundo Tangona

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Iran's Underwater Missle

As Jeff has pointed out, Iran has created an underwater missle that allegedly can outpace any warship. Iran's ambassador to the International Atomic Energy Agency said that to his knowledge, the weapon could not carry a nuclear warhead.
I completely agree with Jeff because i also dont understand how Iran expects to continue nuclear warhead advancement. Most Western countries are watching Iran very carefully to see if they have nuclear capabilty. The LA Times reports that Iran has a commanding position over the Strait of Hormuz at the entrance to the Persian Gulf, through which 40% of the world's oil exports flow.
This can be potentially very dangerous. If Iran develops nuclear power, they will then become a threat to attack other oil producing countries and could possibly monopolize the oil industry.
posted by: Tyler Caldwell

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Iran Tests High-Speed Underwater Torpedo

Closely related to my last post, the Telegraph reports that Iran announced that it's navy has successfully tested the world's fastest torpedo that is "capable of outrunning any warship."

The announcement marks the second such threat this week with Iran touting it's defensive capabilities. I personally don't understand how Iran expects to be able to continue it's nuclear program when it makes threats like this.

-Posted by Jeffery Patch